23 May 10 Tips for Moving with Children | SuiteAmerica 800 367 9501
Change is tough for everyone, but it can be especially difficult for kids.
Whether it’s for a temporary assignment or relocation, there will be a lot of changes for your family.
Many of us at SuiteAmerica have families and have moved many times. As a company, we help others with relocation and temporary assignments by taking the stress out of moving.
Here’s our list of what has worked for us and our clients when moving with children.
Communicate and keep them in the loop
As soon as you know you will be moving, be sure to include your children in the conversation. No one likes things sprung on them, so don’t wait. Keep them informed, at their level, about your process. And don’t forget to listen, listen, and listen. Let them feel comfortable telling you about their fears, anxieties, hopes, and questions.
Involve them in the process
Include your children in the process as much as possible. This allows change to be something they are participating in. Make clear to them that you will hear their wishes and opinions, everything will be taken into consideration, but the final decision is up to the adults. If you can’t take them along when planning the move, take pictures of the houses or apartments to share with your children later.
Try to explain everything
Assume that your children know nothing about what is entailed in a move. Very young children can be confused about what can be packed, what can’t and why. They also don’t always understand why they are feeling what they are feeling. It may help to assure them that all their toys, clothes, furniture, pets, etc. will be taken to the new home. The last time we moved, we used different colored tape the kids could stick on belongings to signify what they wanted to take or give away to charity.
Plan a special goodbye
Saying goodbye to their favorite people and places is important. Throw a going-away party; make a banner friends can sign, provide a journal for older children to write a goodbye note in, and let the kids enjoy one last time to play with all their friends. It’ll be a wonderful goodbye that your kids will remember.
Get to know your children’s school
As soon as you know where you are moving, contact the school and your kids registered. Talk with your child’s new teacher or principal about any special concerns and needs, so they can provide support. As soon as you have moved, set up an appointment to visit the school with your child. They’ll feel more comfortable on the first day if they’ve already been there and made a few friends.
Make change fun
Plan to splurge a little in your transition time with special foods, restaurants, theme parks, beach trips, or a hotel stay in your new city. Making the transition fun will help ease tension and make moving away a little less sad.
Do a project together
Focus on the positives about moving. Do something you couldn’t do at your old house. Set up a swing set in the backyard, build a fort, plant a vegetable garden. Working on a small project with your kid will help take some of the stress away. And it’ll give them something to look forward to while keeping them occupied.
Prioritize their rooms
Most adults think of setting up their desk or kitchen first, but thinking of our kids and setting up their rooms first shows them how important there are to us. Let your children add a special touch to their room, like choosing the paint color or adding a new poster. Personalization will make it feel more like home.
Make it special
Before hitting the to do list, sign your children up for camp, classes at a children’s theater, or a sports team. Helping them get acquainted with their new home through small groups will help them build friendships more easily. Once they start making friends and have activities they look forward to, their new home will feel more comfortable and welcoming.
Engage and explore
Make each weekend an adventure. Explore all the new attractions, parks, and venues in your new hometown. Your children will feel like they’re on vacation. And you’ll have fun trying new things!
At SuiteAmerica our customizable kid packages help our guests and their families with the transition to a new city for temporary assignment or relocation. Helping families move for over 25 years has given us a lot of insights that we’re more than happy to pass along. View our furnished apartments around the world and let SuiteAmerica help with the relocation process.
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